Arda needed some happiness in her life
So here ya go!
Posted 05 February 2023 - 10:05 AM
Arda needed some happiness in her life
So here ya go!
Posted 06 February 2023 - 09:11 AM
NO! I can not afford a puppy, But I baby sat a friends 2 dogs and puppy and they gave me a "PUPPY". Her name is Hunden Snitz. "Dog Bite".. She is 3 months old and noy house broken. I love her, She is the breath of fresh air that I needed. Just a little girl with a whole life ahead of her. The other kids are excepting her but correcting her when needed. Just a breath of life in this old dog house.
Posted 06 February 2023 - 01:50 PM
Puppy smell and puppy breath nothing but puppy love
Welcome to the S.C.D. family
Dreams become reality one choice at a time.
S.C.D.'s Rhue ( Little Red Rhuebarb) 2008 or 2009 to March 2021
Forever your paw print in our heart's
S.C.D.'s Darling Darla Blue(LaLa for short)
Our Velcro Love Bug ( approx D.O.B Jan,2004 to June,2011)
& one of the many Queens prior
Autumn ( Black Lab)
Sept 1996 to Feb 2010
Posted 07 February 2023 - 10:04 AM
It matters to the one you save.
SCD's Out on Bail CGC (December 17, 2008- April 27, 2018)
SCD's Stone Soup
SCD's Sixpence in my shoe
SCD's Hurricane Alley CGC (August 12, 2007- September 11, 2014)
SCD's Easter Buddy CGC (August 12, 2007- July 5, 2012)
Page, Princess Extraordinaire - (July 9, 2000- July 31, 2007)
Posted 08 February 2023 - 08:55 AM
Posted 17 February 2023 - 07:37 AM
Somehow I missed this thread until now. So a belated congratulations on the new pup! Any updates to share? Yes, when you have been living with many old dogs and having to say so many good-byes, having a puppy in the family can be a great lifting of the spirit.
Currently part of my treasured family and helping to make life fun and busy:
Hunter, the chocolate Labradeagle (or Beaglador)
Terra, the tall, gorgeous red Doberwoman
Waiting at the Bridge and forever in my heart...... Igor, Max, Savanna, Logan, and Tasha
Posted 17 February 2023 - 08:11 PM
Wish I could show you the zoomies in the front room after she has had a nice nap. I would certainly die of imbarazzamenti at the mess Snitz, Mouth, Peanut, and Sweetie make if you walkedin in the middle of one of these free for alls. She's growing so fast. A few more days and she will not be able to run under my chair for protection. What a uplift of spirits. God I love her. But Lord my house is in shambles.
Posted 18 February 2023 - 08:33 AM
I can picture it for sure. It's been a very long time since I've had a puppy in the house, but I remember all the craziness! It's fun, exhausting, exasperating, and joyful all at once!
Looking forward to regular updates and pics.
Currently part of my treasured family and helping to make life fun and busy:
Hunter, the chocolate Labradeagle (or Beaglador)
Terra, the tall, gorgeous red Doberwoman
Waiting at the Bridge and forever in my heart...... Igor, Max, Savanna, Logan, and Tasha
Posted 01 March 2023 - 09:00 AM guard dog, Mouth, has decided that. little kids need big dog protection, so he now goes out with her every time I send her out' Sits in the bushes and makes sure no one steals her. He's trying to get her to go to the big yard with him. He goes to the bridge and waits til she catches up and then he goes across the bridge trying to get her to follow. She's not too sure so she finishes her trip around the house and he comes back and trys it again. How great. Exercising the dogs with this little wind up toy. I can just sit in the house with a cup of coffee and they run their butts off chasing.her sround. Entertainment for my heart!
Posted 02 March 2023 - 11:22 AM
Pure JOY! Arda, nothing but pure JOY!
Animals are Gods blessing in disguise
Edited by Dobes & Feathers, 02 March 2023 - 11:24 AM.
Dreams become reality one choice at a time.
S.C.D.'s Rhue ( Little Red Rhuebarb) 2008 or 2009 to March 2021
Forever your paw print in our heart's
S.C.D.'s Darling Darla Blue(LaLa for short)
Our Velcro Love Bug ( approx D.O.B Jan,2004 to June,2011)
& one of the many Queens prior
Autumn ( Black Lab)
Sept 1996 to Feb 2010
Posted 07 March 2023 - 08:29 AM
Puppies do have a way of making sure EVERYBODY in the family, human or dog, gets lots and lots of exercise.
Currently part of my treasured family and helping to make life fun and busy:
Hunter, the chocolate Labradeagle (or Beaglador)
Terra, the tall, gorgeous red Doberwoman
Waiting at the Bridge and forever in my heart...... Igor, Max, Savanna, Logan, and Tasha
Posted 07 March 2023 - 01:10 PM
I'll post more pictures of her next week, when I'm out there. It's been a busy week at SCD.
I forgot to get pictures and she doesn't stay still very long.....LOL
Posted 15 March 2023 - 03:06 PM
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0 downloadsOk here are some of the pictures I could get while Snitz was still for only a minute.
Yes she gets on the chair where she's not suppose to be LOL
Just love the way one ear is up higher than the other
Posted 15 March 2023 - 07:31 PM
Jill says she's not suppose to. Mommy is going to spoil her rotten. Just as rotten as I want to. She's the reason I get up in the morning and the reason I go to bed at night so I can get up in the morning. She's the kiss of the day and the exercise session for the other kids. And when I can't find my slippers, she'll show me where they were. She's just perfect.
Posted 25 March 2023 - 08:02 AM
Snitz sure looks like a sweetie!
Currently part of my treasured family and helping to make life fun and busy:
Hunter, the chocolate Labradeagle (or Beaglador)
Terra, the tall, gorgeous red Doberwoman
Waiting at the Bridge and forever in my heart...... Igor, Max, Savanna, Logan, and Tasha
Posted 25 March 2023 - 01:32 PM
This kid is too good to be true. Almost done with house-breaking. You just can not imagine what it's like to have a piup that nobody starved, or put cigarettes out on or chained up out in back and never talked to. She has never known any form of abuse and she never will' Dhe makes everything better and she is alive. I can't tell you what she has done for me. My little Hunden Snitz. I'm in love.
Posted 19 April 2023 - 11:37 AM
Hunden sure is growing she's filling your heart
Glad things are going well.
Dreams become reality one choice at a time.
S.C.D.'s Rhue ( Little Red Rhuebarb) 2008 or 2009 to March 2021
Forever your paw print in our heart's
S.C.D.'s Darling Darla Blue(LaLa for short)
Our Velcro Love Bug ( approx D.O.B Jan,2004 to June,2011)
& one of the many Queens prior
Autumn ( Black Lab)
Sept 1996 to Feb 2010
Posted 31 May 2023 - 06:40 AM
Time for a update and pictures on Snitz Arda's puppy. She is growing fast! She loves to lay across the chair all the time, if you are in the chair she will get right behind you and squeeze in.
She loves her Mommy as you can see. She is a real joy and so much fun
Posted 31 May 2023 - 08:26 AM
After all these years of "rescue" it seems hard to believe that there really are very happy kids out there that have never known hunger or abuse, Snitz is a very lucky and much loved pup. She has her big operation next week so she will ot add to the over population problem. This kid starts her day with happy wiggles and the search for new things. She gathers all kinds of treasures in a pile in the drive way where she plays with them. Candy wrappers, empty water bottles, little sticks, big sticks, a pie pan, balls, and even a bear can. Treasures to her. Junk to clean up to me. We are a team. God I love this happy little kid!
Posted 02 June 2023 - 11:44 PM
It matters to the one you save.
SCD's Out on Bail CGC (December 17, 2008- April 27, 2018)
SCD's Stone Soup
SCD's Sixpence in my shoe
SCD's Hurricane Alley CGC (August 12, 2007- September 11, 2014)
SCD's Easter Buddy CGC (August 12, 2007- July 5, 2012)
Page, Princess Extraordinaire - (July 9, 2000- July 31, 2007)
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